

The Power that YOU have

During the generation of my parents, they got information and news through traditional media which is newspapers, books and articles. This was their daily source of information as that time and they had to wait till the next morning to receive the newspapers. Now, with the introduction of the Internet, the newspapers such as the Strait's Times and Today have taken this opportunity to post their articles online as well so that people are able to view such information. 

As you can see how information sharing can be so effective now, the power is now with us. We can't really tell which source of information is creditable right now. This is because people now have the ability to write their own news the way they want it to be. They are able to write their own views on a particular topic and also able to give their own comments on other writes work. 

How is this done? Well you're witnessing it right now :) as I am writing this blog. Examples such as Blogspot, Twitter and Livejournals are some example of websites for you to start your very own blogging. Therefore this begins an era of CITIZEN JOURNALISM whereby anyone can write their own ideas. 

The Straits Times Online

Today online

I feel that this is good because it allows people to show their creativity. Moreover, that are so many hidden talents out there. Some may not have the opportunity to shine because throughout their lives they were not given one. They can use this chance to show WHAT they are made of and who knows, a company may be interested to find out more about them.

Video on Citizen Journalism
Let your Creativity Take you To Greater Heights!

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