
The Future

What the Future Holds

Well this marks the end of our journey of COM 125. I would like to especially thank Mr Abel Choy teaching us and giving everyone more knowledge of the Computer World. It was this course that made me actually start and blog. Due to this, I have actually learned alot of new things.

So What does the future hold for us all ? Well, everything now is just all a vivid image and imaginations. However, imaginations might just turn into reality like how the Internet took storm on a global scale. What could be next ? With Microsoft coming up with their latest touch screen PC and the Nokia 888 that is just an idea, we may soon be using all these technology before we know it. The video below shows us where we stand now.

The Future of the Internet

Well things are looking good so far. Somehow I am not sure what the future will hold for us. Will new gadgets and advancement of technology be a good or bad thing. I feel that it will actually give us too much power and should it fall into the wrong hands, people may misuse such technology and manipulate it. Already from Facebook or other social network websites are intruding into one's privacy. No doubt it is fun where you have plenty of friends who join, it does have its disadvantages as well. 

Although I appreciate all this convenience that these gadgets have offered, I must say I am not a big fan of them. I worry about the fact that less jobs will be created because everything is simply by the touch of our hands or by the use of machines. 

The Future is a SCARY thought indeed! Mysterious but scary :)